On 6th and 7th March 2024, two Design Thinking Workshops, conceived within the framework of the PNRR-BBMRI project 'Strengthening BBMRI.it', will be held at the University of Milano-Bicocca. These round tables for the co-creation of prototypes of ELSI (Ethical, Legal, Societal Issues)-themed digital platforms will host various representatives of the BBMRI.it community. Among the participants of the first workshop:
- Brunella APPICCIAFUOCO, Biobank Quality Manager at Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS di Roma; - Chiara BALDO, member of the Rete Pediatrica degli IRCCS “IDEA”; Ist. Gaslini, Genoa - Massimiliano BORSANI, Infrastructure Manager for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR – IEOS, Naples - Elisa CANTARELLI, Quality Manager of Centro Risorse Biologiche at IRCCS Osp. San Raffaele, Milan - Lorena CASARETO, coordinator at Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (TNGB), Milan - Sara GIBERTINI, Neuromuscular Disease Biobank Manager at IRCCS Besta, Milan - Giuseppe LAMORTE, Milano Cord Blood Bank and Milano Biobank – PoliMI Quality Manager at IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Milan - Manuela LOCATELLI, BIOGEN Genetic Biobank Manager at Ist. Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna - Luciano MILANESI, Research Director at CNR – ITB, Milan - Peppino MIRABELLI, Paediatric Biobank at Az. Osp. Santobono-Pausilipon, Naples - Antonella MIRABILE, ELSI Officer for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR-IEOS, Naples - Ornella PAROLINI, Biobank Director at Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS, Rome - Alessandro SAMMARCO, bioinformatician at Osp. Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome - Cristina TRESOLDI, Head of Centro Risorse Biologiche at IRCCS Osp. San Raffaele, Milan
On 7th March, the workshop will include other ten representatives, but in this case from the extended BBMRI.it community:
- Giuseppina GALIMBERTI SAMEK, President of Scienza under 18, Milan - Dario MARTINO, expert patient, Milan - Lorenzo MERIGNATI, Project Manager, UNIMIB, Milan - Melania FILARETI, biologist and biobanker at Casa Di Cura Igea S.P.A., Milan - Rosanna CARDANI, Biobank Manager for BioCor Biobank at IRCCS San Donato, Milano - Giovanna CAMPIONI, National Coordinator for AICCA Onlus, Milan - Daniela CAPELLO, UPO Biobank Director, UPO, Novara - Margherita CARPANI, PhD Candidate in Law, Science and Technology, UNIBO, Bologna - Corinna PORTERI, researcher in bioethics at IRCCS Fatebenefratelli, Brescia - Antonella MIRABILE, ELSI Officer for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR-IEOS, Naples - Metello INNOCENTI, researcher in Molecular Biology at UNIMIB, Milan - Marco GALLI, research fellow in Pathology at UNIMIB, Milan - Massimiliano BORSANI, Infrastructure Manager for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR – IEOS, Naples
Facilitated by Dr. Sara Casati (CNR - BBMRI.it), Prof. Marialuisa Lavitrano (CNR - BBMRI.it, UNIMIB) and co-creation platform experts Boubacar Barry & Dasha Bespyatova (Mirahi), the groups will contribute to the co-designing of collaborative virtual spaces, namely the open-source Knowledge Base digital platform and the Community of Practice Platform, with a view to consolidating the extended BBMRI community as an ELSI/RRI community of practice.
If you want to keep updated, follow us on:
BBMRI.it website: www.bbmri.it Strengthening BBMRI.it website: www.bbmri.it/pnrr ;: pnrr.bbmri.it (under construction) X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/BBMRI_it LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bbmritalia/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/BBMRI.IT
This activity has been supported by the funding of the European Union (NextGenerationEU), Italian NRRP project code IR0000031 - Strengthening BBMRI.it - CUP B53C22001820006.
- Brunella APPICCIAFUOCO, Biobank Quality Manager at Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS di Roma; - Chiara BALDO, member of the Rete Pediatrica degli IRCCS “IDEA”; Ist. Gaslini, Genoa - Massimiliano BORSANI, Infrastructure Manager for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR – IEOS, Naples - Elisa CANTARELLI, Quality Manager of Centro Risorse Biologiche at IRCCS Osp. San Raffaele, Milan - Lorena CASARETO, coordinator at Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (TNGB), Milan - Sara GIBERTINI, Neuromuscular Disease Biobank Manager at IRCCS Besta, Milan - Giuseppe LAMORTE, Milano Cord Blood Bank and Milano Biobank – PoliMI Quality Manager at IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Milan - Manuela LOCATELLI, BIOGEN Genetic Biobank Manager at Ist. Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna - Luciano MILANESI, Research Director at CNR – ITB, Milan - Peppino MIRABELLI, Paediatric Biobank at Az. Osp. Santobono-Pausilipon, Naples - Antonella MIRABILE, ELSI Officer for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR-IEOS, Naples - Ornella PAROLINI, Biobank Director at Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS, Rome - Alessandro SAMMARCO, bioinformatician at Osp. Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome - Cristina TRESOLDI, Head of Centro Risorse Biologiche at IRCCS Osp. San Raffaele, Milan
On 7th March, the workshop will include other ten representatives, but in this case from the extended BBMRI.it community:
- Giuseppina GALIMBERTI SAMEK, President of Scienza under 18, Milan - Dario MARTINO, expert patient, Milan - Lorenzo MERIGNATI, Project Manager, UNIMIB, Milan - Melania FILARETI, biologist and biobanker at Casa Di Cura Igea S.P.A., Milan - Rosanna CARDANI, Biobank Manager for BioCor Biobank at IRCCS San Donato, Milano - Giovanna CAMPIONI, National Coordinator for AICCA Onlus, Milan - Daniela CAPELLO, UPO Biobank Director, UPO, Novara - Margherita CARPANI, PhD Candidate in Law, Science and Technology, UNIBO, Bologna - Corinna PORTERI, researcher in bioethics at IRCCS Fatebenefratelli, Brescia - Antonella MIRABILE, ELSI Officer for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR-IEOS, Naples - Metello INNOCENTI, researcher in Molecular Biology at UNIMIB, Milan - Marco GALLI, research fellow in Pathology at UNIMIB, Milan - Massimiliano BORSANI, Infrastructure Manager for the NRRP Project Strengthening BBMRI.it, CNR – IEOS, Naples
Facilitated by Dr. Sara Casati (CNR - BBMRI.it), Prof. Marialuisa Lavitrano (CNR - BBMRI.it, UNIMIB) and co-creation platform experts Boubacar Barry & Dasha Bespyatova (Mirahi), the groups will contribute to the co-designing of collaborative virtual spaces, namely the open-source Knowledge Base digital platform and the Community of Practice Platform, with a view to consolidating the extended BBMRI community as an ELSI/RRI community of practice.
If you want to keep updated, follow us on:
BBMRI.it website: www.bbmri.it Strengthening BBMRI.it website: www.bbmri.it/pnrr ;: pnrr.bbmri.it (under construction) X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/BBMRI_it LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bbmritalia/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/BBMRI.IT
This activity has been supported by the funding of the European Union (NextGenerationEU), Italian NRRP project code IR0000031 - Strengthening BBMRI.it - CUP B53C22001820006.